







The deliciousness of eggplants makes us realize the wonders of natural farming

I was surprised that the eggplant I had for dinner was very delicious, probably because it was grown without pesticides. It was an eggplant that I had left in the refrigerator for a week after harvesting it from my garden. It had grown so big that its skin was thick, so it was difficult to cut it with a knife when cooking. I was worried about how to cook it, wondering if it had been refrigerated for too long and whether it would taste bad if it was too big. I decided to stir-fry it with chicken and Moroccan green beans in sesame oil, thinking that if I mixed it with other ingredients, I could hide the bad taste of the eggplant.

I seasoned it with salt, pepper, and sesame oil, and stir-fried it in a frying pan. I didn’t have high expectations, but the eggplant had a deeper flavor and softer texture than the chicken or Moroccan green beans, and it was truly delicious. It had a natural taste, or rather a taste with few artificial elements. This was probably because it was grown with organic fertilizer and no pesticides. The eggplant alone was enough to be a side dish for rice.

I understand the feelings of people who are into natural farming. First of all, organic vegetables that you have grown yourself are safe because you know the production process, which is good for your mental health.

And because they are fresh, they provide energy to both your mind and the cells of your body. Home-grown vegetables require effort, but they are not very expensive. You can grow them without organic fertilizers. In other words, you can know everything about what you eat.

You may think, “It’s just eggplant,” but with natural farming, you can enjoy a luxury that is beyond any high-class dish, even with vegetables that you find anywhere, depending on how you cook them. At the same time, you will realize that modern civilization has intentionally made us forget something important for humans.

Modern people have lost the real taste in exchange for convenience, such as mass production, mass consumption, long-term storage, and easy cooking methods such as microwaves.
Naturally farmed vegetables are not for health and safety, but rather for those who pursue real deliciousness.

Above all, the deliciousness doesn’t cost much. And you will also realize the foolishness of paying a lot of money to buy something that is bad for you and tastes bad.
Even though it may be a little inconvenient, I would like to incorporate more home-grown vegetables into my cooking.


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50代男性。現在、自立支援医療や障害基礎年金2級、手帳2級の社会福祉制度を活用しながら自宅療養中。 2000年よりベンゾジアゼピン系薬(レキソタン、ロヒプノールなど)を服用。 2015年、40代前半に常用量依存と過労の影響で倒れたことを機に、自宅での療養生活を開始。当時服用していたベンゾジアゼピン系薬の有害性に気づき、断薬を決意。 2019年7月3日にレキソタンを断薬。現在、断薬から5年が経過し、筋肉の回復をはじめ身体全体の健康を取り戻しつつあります。 療養生活を送りながら、社会復帰を目指して日々前向きに過ごしています。